How to Download Ib on Mac UPDATED

How to Download Ib on Mac


Ib (pronounced "Eeb," similar to "Eve") is a freeware horror run a risk game past kouri fabricated in RPG Maker 2000.

A young girl named Ib visits an fine art gallery with her parents.
While observing the many exhibits, she of a sudden realizes she is lone.
And in her search for others, she finds things awry in the gallery...

The game is focused on exploration and puzzle-solving. At that place are no battles, and information technology does not demand quick reflexes. It's designed to exist accessible to all kinds of players, and then savour.

(Content Severity: Mild)
Click here for content warnings.

Pocket-sized jumpscares.
A few instances of claret (not very detailed at all).
Mention of hanging, and a person hanged offscreen.
Very low-resolution nudity on one painting.

Download Ib i.07 | (Mirror)
(Chrome may falsely flag the download as malicious, but it's safe to ignore.)

A remade version of Ib will be coming soon to Steam.
(A Japanese-only release is planned beginning, with English, Chinese, and Korean to follow (at to the lowest degree to start with). The original version will remain complimentary here.)

Supported Platforms
The game's engine is made for Windows but, with no native support for other platforms.

The multi-platform EasyRPG Thespian mimics the behavior of RM2K and RM2K3, but may non always be exact. (Make certain to treat the Data binder as the game folder, not the containing folder.) Also, for Macs, you lot can effort a general-purpose tool like WineBottler.

Usage Notes

Videos and live streams are immune. However, kouri has forbidden making any form of profit from gameplay videos.

Exercise non modify, misappropriate, or redistribute whatever images or music from the game. In detail, practise not reupload the music online, as information technology was fabricated past others and is used in the game with permission.

Most fanworks are allowed, but creating fangames is not (sequels, offshoots, usage of the characters in general). Similarly, modification of the original game is not allowed (beyond the purposes of translation).

Fanworks can exist sold merely if kept to a "hobbyist" scope (this includes conventions). They should too non use the official logo nor pixel art from the game, or be easily mistaken for official merchandise.

[1] Japanese rules page


If you get a DirectDraw error, right-click the EXE, become to Properties, Compatibility, and try other compatibility modes.

If the font doesn't seem correct, download and install the MS Mincho font.

RPG Maker 2000 has some inherent, unfixable control bugs ("automatically moving in a direction" or "no buttons piece of work"). The issues oft seem to involve gamepads, or getting "stuck" on an input if Shift and a Numpad cardinal are pressed simultaneously. Thus, effort petty with gamepads and your keyboard until information technology fixes. (Reinstalling the game likely won't help.)

If you lot become "not implemented" errors on or near startup, make sure you lot accept a working sound device (speakers/headphones). It can also occur mid-game if your system doesn't like a item MP3, in which example, endeavour to delete or supercede the file in Music.

You may go "RPG Maker 2000/2003 RTP is not installed" or missing file errors on startup. This tin can happen if the path contains special symbols, causing files (including RPG_RT.ini) to not be found. Effort moving the game folder somewhere without whatsoever special symbols in the path.



All the music in the game can be found in the Music folder. Beneath is a list of songs and their sources. Note that there are some spoilers, mostly with regard to where songs are used.

Do not reupload these songs elsewhere without permission from their respective creators.

Song List

Filename Orig. Proper noun Game Proper noun Source Link
title Championship Championship Original
Ib_Memory Ib: Memory Primary Theme: Memory Original
spreludenew Prelude in C Minor Prologue Source
CorelliLaFolia Corelli La Folia Gallery Theme Source
BlindAlley Blind Alley Garry's Theme Source
olddoll Old Puppet Moving Storybook Source
HideAndSeek Hide and Seek Times of Sorrow Source
Ib_Uneasiness Ib: Uneasiness Danger! No Source
boob puppet Mary'south Theme Source
NoOneInSight No One In Sight Sketchbook Source
BGM008 BGM008 Uneasy Air Source
doll The Piffling Doll'southward Dream Game Over Source
Inquiry Inquiry Dungeon 1 Source
Disappearance Disappearance Dungeon 2 Source
Dining_room Dining room Dungeon iii Source
Noise Dissonance Dungeon iv Source
Goofball Goofball Dungeon v Source
Departure Departure Ending Source


A guide through the game and its puzzles.

This does not give total details about how to become different endings (encounter the Endings Guide for that), simply does mention some of the moments that can bear upon what ending you get.



Walk around the gallery. On the 2nd floor, the lower hallway between the left and right side has a big painting. Inspect the championship of it.

Head back down to the first floor; the lights will flicker off.

Render to the large painting and cheque the blueish liquid dripping down. Check the message that appears where it was.

Get dorsum downstairs, get right from the entrance, and follow the blue footprints into the big painting on the floor.

Blue Area

Go to the right and have the rose from the vase. Push the table out of the way. Enter the door and take the Blue Key inside.

Back outside, you can place the rose in the vase to heal. Go left to find a save point and a door. Open the door with the Blue Key.

Green Area

Talk to the ant wandering effectually. Follow the sign's advice and walk up through the middle of the hallway, to avoid the hands that come out. Bank check the Ant Painting to have it.

Get back downward and to the right. Put the Ant Painting over the hole in the floor to get beyond.

Pick up the Green Key, then run dorsum. Go up to the door near where yous got the Ant Painting and open it with the Green Central.

Yellow Area

Go to the left room. Talk to the stick effigy and find their hiding identify. (Information technology can be ane of three places: 2nd from the left on the lower row, bottom-right, or meridian-left.) After finding the stick figure, read their message and pick up the Wooden Fish (Caput) at the peak of the room.

Go to the right room. Walk through the centre, and shortly after, a bust will begin moving. Pb it right so it goes over the scissure on the flooring. Pick up the Wooden Fish (Tail), and yous'll combine the two into the Fish Key.

In the center room, utilise the Fish Key to open up a path forrard.

There are clues around this area for the lawmaking for the door in the meridian-correct. (In that location'southward no demand to observe these if yous already know the lawmaking.)

1. Check the white painting in the bottom-left twice. (Reddish nine)

2. Go upward the heart of the hallway to avert another paw. Cheque the red doll hanging near the ground, and then cheque the one that falls. (Green 18)

iii. Enter the Liars' Room in the top-left. Inspect the messages and work out who'due south giving the correct directions for the next room. (Resulting code number: Imperial iv)

Enter the code for the door in the tiptop-right. (Reply: 18 x 9 + four = 166) Within, take the Wooden Apple tree.

Be conscientious to walk down the middle of the hallway on the mode back. Requite the Wooden Apple to the mouth on the wall in the bottom-right.

Get down the hallway, going slowly nigh the end to avoid the guillotine that falls in forepart of the last painting.

Red Expanse

Upon reaching a large room, check the Lady in Red painting in the top-right. She'll start to hunt yous when you walk abroad; contrivance around her to grab the Red Key she drops, and use it on the door in the eye.

Check the top-left bookshelf. Either read the book, or don't read it and push button the book in. Either way, the door volition open.

Note that the healing vase here is infinitely usable. Get right and inspect the person on the ground for a Small Key.

Go left and enter the room. Dodge around the Lady in Blue to pick upward the Blue Rose she drops, then run abroad, and keep running.

Return to the eye and place the Blue Rose in the vase. Become back and talk to the person on the ground.

Go right and check the statue to have Garry move it.

Gray Expanse

Go up to the larger room, and enter the door to the Labyrinth (on your left). Press the hidden switch on the wall directly south of the height-left crimson mark - notation that you lot may want to lure the statues toward the right side get-go and so they don't trap you in the apse.

Back in the main room, enter the upper-right door to the room of stools and easels. Button the stools (leaving and re-entering to reset if you lot mess upwardly) to reach the Eyedrops.

Verbal directions: Push the stool to your right up. Push button the next stool to your right right twice. Next, there's a stool higher up and a stool to the left; button the left one twice. Motility up one tile and push that stool left. Button the stool above you up. Walk left to the Eyedrops.

On the left side of the main room, use the Eyedrops on the red center on the floor. Cheque the wall information technology looks at to find the Red Glass Ball. Put it in the serpent painting at the top. The small-scale painting that falls gives a hint.

Enter the door in the bottom-right. Go backside the tree sculpture and check it for a Silver Ring.

Go downward to the offset room of the Gray Area and put the ring on the left hand'due south band finger for a Bouquet. Give the Bouquet to the blue confront in the summit-right of the main room.

Walk downwardly the hallway. At the far right of the large room, inspect the clothes of the Hanged Man painting to see a number. Become to the two doors next to each other and enter the countersign to unlock the left ane. (Answer: 6295)

Push the vase tabular array left onto the four little holes in the floor to activate a switch.

Enter the now-unlocked door on the far correct of the main room. Check the mirror. Cheque the mannequin head. Check the mirror over again. The option you lot option here can influence your ending.

Get downwards and avoid the painting ladies to take the Grayness Key, and then run right from the Lady in Red who jumps down. Use the key on the bottom door adjacent to the salvage point.

Check the painting, so try to leave. Wait for a while, and a painting lady will come up through the window, then some other through the wall. Dodge them and exit through the hole the second one made. Run left to the partly-open door.

Picking upwards Garry's glaze and talking to him enough times in the safe room can influence your ending. Go out one time you're done.

Violet Area

Walk right. The maze of ropes is optional, but can influence your ending.

Continue around the area until yous reach the end of the hall, with a door above and a door below. Enter the door below and push the statue out of the way. Pull the cord and exit downwards.

Read the hint that appeared on the wall. Select "A" for "Completeness." Take the shortcut dorsum to the finish of the hall and utilize the password to open the upper door.

Bank check the painting and leave. Go right and follow the red footprints. In the adjacent room, use the vase before moving on.

Proceed ahead, so go in the left door. Check the painting. Bank check the left bookshelf. Get the Violet Key from the shattered green rabbit.

Split up

Cheque the superlative-right open box in the storage room for a Palette Knife. Check the bottom open up box. Attempt to push the statue from the side, then take the upper door out of the room.

Go on alee until yous accomplish a gap in the flooring. Check the nearby bluish rose icon to switch to Garry.

As Garry, enter the room and cheque the right bookshelf. In the next room, pull the fourth string from the left, then use the red rose to switch back to Ib.

Ask the painting to let y'all cross the gap. Push button the triangle block right into the gap. Switch to Garry, and push the block into the triangular hole.

Walk downwardly the passage. What yous do to the doll at the terminate tin influence your ending.

Enter the upper-left door and read the notation on the wall about balls of paint. Back in the main room, accept the Ball of Paint (Yellow) that'southward appeared in the lesser-left.

Switch to Ib. Go beyond the gap again and walk down the passage.

In the big brown room, enter the bottom-correct door and take the Tree Key. Take the mannequin head off the bottom-left table to make a scissure in the floor.

Go to the bottom-left door and select Marvelous Night. Enter the library. Read the Collected Works of Guertena book for a hint. Use the Tree Key on the keyhole painting.

Switch to Garry. Enter the nascence twelvemonth of the Juggling painting (6223). Take the Ball of Paint (Bluish).

Brand sure yous're at full wellness, then enter the poison room in the bottom-right, which damages you every time you lot take a footstep. Walk right to take the Umbrella, so leave.

Check the Fishing Claw painting and hook the Umbrella to send it upwardly to Ib. Enter the peak-right door (nether the now-grown tree icon). Check the rightmost bookshelf in the top-left and pick upwardly the Ball of Pigment (Green).

Switch to Ib. Take the Umbrella from the Fisherman painting, then enter the room below and give it to the Lady Without Her Umbrella.

Switch to Garry. Heal and enter the poison room once again; thanks to the rain and crack in the floor, there should be h2o dripping into the vase now. Walk to the right side of the vase, heal, walk to the cord on the right, and pull it. Take the Ball of Paint (Violet).

Enter the door under the tree icon again. Take the Brawl of Paint (Pink). Check the right bookshelf and read the "M" entry.

Exterior, read the bulletin side by side to the doll, and take the Ball of Paint (Reddish) from it.

Before entering the door, you lot may want to save. Become inside and take the Ball of Paint (White).

Detailed advice for the following sequence:
In that location are four doll layouts chosen from randomly, with the key being in a set doll in each. One style to identify which layout you have is to annotation the colors of the "sentinel" dolls to the immediate left and right of the door.

ane. If the left sentinel is orange and the right sentinel is white, information technology'southward one of two layouts that look identical. The cardinal is either in the right spotter, or the lower white doll farther to the right.
2. If the left lookout man is blue and the correct sentinel is pink, the key is in the orange doll just up and left of the left sentinel.
3. If the left spotter is orange and there'due south no doll immediately correct of the door, the key is in the height-eye orangish doll.

If you were successful:
Get upstairs. Talk to Mary if you didn't earlier. Go into the left door and become beyond the rainbow bridge to get the Brown Key. Use the Brown Key to unlock the right door.

If you failed:
Get into the left door and become across the rainbow bridge to go the Dark-brown Key. Use the Chocolate-brown Central to unlock the right door. Become downstairs and enter the doll room. This may lead into an catastrophe.

In the Chocolate-brown Surface area, become into the room in the bottom-correct formerly blocked by gas. Have Garry push the statue and go down the stairs.


Get left past the house, then up afterwards the sign to the central pink edifice. Read the blue message on the building. Go left and enter the house. Accept the Saucepan on the left.

Go to the upper-correct corner of the area and fill the Bucket with water. Get to the lesser-right corner and water the tulip bud right of the house. Accept the Gallery Key from information technology.

Walk left and use the Gallery Primal to unlock the door. Open the box inside and become the Little Mirror.

Go up to the superlative-left corner. Talking with Garry in the sunny spot enough times tin can influence your ending. When you're done, put down the Little Mirror and go inside the building.

Use hints hidden around the Sketchbook to solve the puzzle and get the Plastic Cardinal.

General hint:
Search for the wall symbols in each segment of the Sketchbook, noting which symbols are where.

Hint 1: Manifestly visible in the height-left section.
Hint two: Check the door in the top section.
Hint 3: Stare into the h2o in the top-correct section.
Hint four: Check the differently-colored butterfly in the left section.
Hint 5: Observe the trees in the right section.
Hint half dozen: Check the back of the sign in the bottom-left section.
Hint vii: Check the message board in the bottom section.
Hint 8: Check the bookshelf in the business firm in the bottom-right section.
Answer: Printing the switches in social club: Tiptop, left, top-correct, elevation-left, lesser-correct, bottom, right, bottom-left.

Apply the Plastic Cardinal to enter the house at the summit. Check the toy box. Depending on your road, the lodge of events hither tin can differ.

Possibility 1:
Pick up the rose in the upper-left, and so find Garry on the right side. Find the Pinkish Key near the lesser, right adjacent to the pink cat's hind legs. Afterward, run up to the go out.

Possibility 2:
Notice Garry on the right side. Discover the Pink Key about the bottom-correct corner, downwardly and right of the clown's confront. Head up to the exit.

Depending your route, you lot may accept the option of burning the vines to go upstairs. If you practice so: Run to the finish and burn the painting.

Employ the Pink Key to unlock to the central pink edifice and go down the stairs.

Blackness Area

On a second playthrough, in that location volition exist a new passage hither leading to a bonus dungeon (which the rest of this walkthrough covers). Otherwise, go upstairs to the big painting, and check it to proceed to a final choice and the catastrophe.

Orangish Expanse

In the large room, talk to the white pismire near the hole in the floor. Go the Anthill Painting from the room to the correct. Put the Anthill Painting over the hole.

Enter the door to the right of the clock and pull the snake's tail. Become up the winding passage, dodging the knives, and free the butterfly. Go down and catch the Warm Butterfly.

Exit the room, and go the Candle Painting afterwards the butterfly flies over to it.

Enter the dark room to the left of the clock. Check the centre painting in the dark room ("Alarm for the Clock") and switch information technology to activate the clock.

Enter the clock code.
Hint: Combine the numbers in the dark room (there are six total) with the colors of the v frames in the right room, including the green anthill on the right end.
Reply: 72391

Get back in the room with the ophidian's tail. Get up to the peak and check the nighttime sky painting (formerly a blue sky) and milkshake it for Stardust. Give the Stardust to the wandering white ant for the Orange Central.

Go up by the at present-sleeping flowers and unlock the door with the Orange Key.

Deep-sea Space

Primal Park

Pick up the painting slice near Drinking in the Night.

Left: Smiles

Pick up the painting piece in the lower-left. Watch the paintings closely (a random one of them blinks) to determine which 1 to signal to for another painting piece.

Bottom-Right: Cactus Maze

Get through the maze for ii painting pieces. If Garry is there, you tin check the poster and switch to him.

Bottom-Left: Croquis Tag

Get the painting piece on the left side.

Catch all the black stick figures, avoiding the dissentious cherry-red ones. After catching plenty, you can cheque the poster about the door to switch to a very fast Garry if he's around.

Return the stick figures to the book in the lesser-right and get the painting slice in forepart of the coffin painting.

Right: Endless Corridor

Yous need to bring the bird from the croquis room. Watch the path information technology takes and walk the same path to become a painting slice. (Verbal steps: Correct, right, down, right, up, up, correct, right, downwards, correct, right.)

Superlative-Left: Suspension Room

If Garry is with you, you accept to complete the croquis room first, then talk to him until he falls asleep.

Get a painting piece from the Cubism book on the lower-left bookshelves.

Later the room glows and the shelves shake (only if Garry is in that location, otherwise you lot can read information technology right away), check the top-left shelf to read about the secret room (both parts). Follow the directions.

In the secret room, examine the painting closely. Enter the correct answers into the left and right panels, so read the plate. (Answer: iii, Fish)

Become the painting piece, and so... bank check the lesser-right wall to exit.

Top-Right: Copernicus

Go upward the stairs and accept the painting slice. Driblet downwardly the Copernicus brandish and notation what y'all come across.

Talk to the jewel box and choose the correct bodies on the wall for a piece. Answer: Red ball on left, green ball on right.


Once yous have all the pieces, check the painting at the top to become to the Atelier.

If Garry isn't effectually, you lot tin sleep on the Final Stage for an catastrophe.

If this is your showtime fourth dimension doing the dungeon, there will be a chest with a Black Key, which unlocks the True Guertena Exhibition once you reach any "Ib escapes" ending.

Endings Guide

A guide on the factors that become into getting the game'southward various endings.

This guide is extremely spoilery, so practice NOT read this if yous oasis't beaten the game at least once. Even then, it's merely recommended that you lot read this if you desire to know exactly how to go the other endings and aren't willing to experiment on your own.

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